The Native Cowgirl

And We Named Her Cougar

Cheyenne Glade Wilson Episode 12

There are things in nature and stories from our past that help to ground us, if we take the time to take them in and learn from them. There are so many benefits to slowing down and allowing ourselves to feel.

In today's podcast, Cheyenne will share the story of Cougar, a Philly that taught her one of life's greatest lessons - about timing, feeling, and faith. You will leave inspired, refreshed, and maybe with a new perspective on all the "busy" in your own life.

Who is Cheyenne Wilson?

Cheyenne was fortunate to grow up on her family's working cattle ranch in southeastern Montana. This is where her intense love of horses and cattle began. She also learned to love and respect the land from a very young age. She runs black Angus cattle and raises half-draft horses with her husband and son. Their place is known as the Lazy Six Nine Ranch. Cheyenne, is also an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota Sioux tribe. She and her family reside and ranch on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. They also spend time in Montana in the Beartooth Mountains.

Cheyenne strives daily to spread positivity and awareness of modern-day ranching. One of her passions is empowering women involved in agriculture to live life at a higher level. She strives to perpetuate the ever-evolving role of women in agriculture through her blog (The Native Cowgirl), public speaking, photography, and social media outlets.

She loves helping rural entrepreneurs level up in what they are passionate about. This includes updating company branding, amplifying social media platforms, increasing website traffic, one-on-one coaching for business/personal growth, etc.

She has been able to build her business from the ground up earning 7-figures in only three years -- in the middle of nowhere.

She always says, "If I can do this, you can too!"

Learn more about Cheyenne & sign up for her newsletter: